Tarumizu SHS Prospectus
Art Direction, Photography
This project developed from an on-going dialogue with the Vice-Principal of Tarumizu High School, Mr. Shoyo Koyama, about the school and it's future. With tightening budgets and dwindling student enrollment, keeping the school's courses and image relevant was a vital concern. We both felt that the character and heart found in Tarumizu's small student body and unique course offerings had become being overshadowed by neighboring schools in big city across the bay.
This promotion was targeted towards Junior High Schools in the immediate area, where teachers relay information about High School admissions to their student body and parents, ultimately requiring an appeal to three audiences. As many High Schools in Japan offer trade-specific courses alongside an academic (or college bound) course, it’s necessary to speak directly towards specific areas of interest to attract potential students. Through the use of original photography, dialogue, and student testimony, this brochure makes an effort to speak honestly about the possibilities both courses at Tarumizu High can offer.
Three A4 folded sheets were lovingly hand bound by the awesome students in the Life Design Course using handmade bands in school colors. The binding was chosen to allow the reader to separate individual spreads for use in targeting promotion further within schools. Right to left read.